Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mason and Dana

My sweet friend, Dana, and her spunky little look-alike, Mason.  What a precious and fun little girl.  It's so fun to photograph children with this much personality.  And check out these dimples!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Claus

OMG is all I can say... get a load of this double sweetness and tell me you don't believe in Santa! :)

Heflin Family

What a privilege it is for me to photograph three gorgeous girls!  And truly, I am humbled that the mother of this special child, Delaney, would trust me to capture her beauty in a way that is even remotely close to what a gorgeous child she is!  These girls are knock-outs... three little blondes with bright blue eyes and sparkling personalities!

Hibsch Family

Dogs are always a bit of a challenge for me.  Not because the dogs themselves are necessarily a problem, but because when you get a child and a dog together, neither child nor dog can keep their eyes off one another!  But I know how much a dog can be a part of your family and I always love to see a family who cares enough for their four-legged family members to include them in the photos of their family!

Hollis Family

Precious Hollis children!  I love all these children like you wouldn't believe, each one of them is gorgeous to me and when I see them individually I couldn't possibly tell you which is my favorite.  I just wish you could know the heart of each of these beautiful children!

Bradley Family

This is a precious and obviously beautiful family.  They came out for the Darya Project photo shoot and it was my total pleasure to get to know them!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Reilly and Brody

Can you spot the dramatic character in this family?  She's my niece and she's every bit as spunky as she looks in this picture, but every bit as adorable and sweet too!  And baby Brody? Well, he's just yummy!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Meet my gorgeous neighbor, Miss Reilly.  What fun we had in the gorgeous fall leaves.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tabscot Family

I had so much fun with these kiddos. They were sweet and they were not shy of the camera at all. Mom, Denise, has a jewelry business so we had fun draping Anna Grace in necklaces and taking some promo shots for Denise's business when the shoot was over. Gotta love a gorgeous girl in jewels!

Hill Family

Beautiful children make my job too easy. Thanks for letting me "shoot" you goofy guys!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Krenson Family

I have known my friend, Carrie, since before either of us had children. The priest at our church introduced us when he found out we were both adopting. As it turned out, we were both using the same agency. Their daughter, Dasha, came home just a few weeks after our oldest son, Jack. They are both from the same area of Russia. And I knew I would be friends with Carrie forever because she has that perfect quality that's hard to find in a friend... she makes me laugh til my side aches. Her humor that she approaches life with translates to her gorgeous children. Her husband will be deploying soon, so it was a total honor for me to take photos of his beloved that he can enjoy while he's away. You should read her story at Laugh or Cry Carrie!

This first photo sums up these two children. It didn't bother Evan at all that I asked them to climb up on the locomotive, even though the sign clearly said not to. However, Dasha was very worried about breaking a rule. You will see from the expressions in the photos that they are two very different children. It was fun and funny to capture both of them in their extreme opposite-ness.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kelley Family

I was so honored to photograph my friends. This family has been friends with my family for as long as I have lived in Nashville. What a gorgeous family. And seriously, could these girls take a bad photo?